2.12 years associated.
3.nearly one year.
5.4b only
6. 5 and climbing- life is good!
could you please take a few minutes to answer the following questions:.
1. your age.
2. how long were you a witness.
2.12 years associated.
3.nearly one year.
5.4b only
6. 5 and climbing- life is good!
i ran across this recently.
so, i guess its my new favorite quote.
"the difference between 'involvement' and 'commitment' is like an eggs-and-ham breakfast: the chicken was 'involved' - the pig was 'committed'.
...Any intelligent woman who reads the marriage contract, and then goes into it,deserves all the concequences...'
Isadora Duncan.
nuff said.
Matty-mail waiting...
some years ago, i visited a hypnotist in an effort to stop chewing my nails.
the habit had become so ingrained that i didn't even know when i was doing it.
well, i was a wiliing patient, and the lady hypnotist led me down into a beautiful imaginery garden, filled with flowers and birds where i could be at peace.
Hi Eman; good comments so far; I watched a programme not long ago about memory, and it did seem to prove that our memories are very open to 'suggestion' and can easily be convinced that they are, indeed, fact when they are not.
The Repressed Memory title of this thread brought back one particular one from jw days...I can't remember how long ago it was, i'll guess at 7 or 8 years; but there was either an article in the awake or perhaps a talk that spoke of brothers and sisters reporting recurring 'visions' of represses sexual abuse, and that brothers were being accused of abuse because of those experiences.It was basically stated that these memories wer'nt reliable and that anyone accusing someone of this is being manipulated to bring reproach on Jehovah
.I wonder if this was all at the start of a large number of accusations of paedophillia and whether the repressed memory story was just that; a story to disprove the allegations as they were occuring more frequently as others gained courage from the 'safety in numbers 'feeling.
It left me feeling very uneasy ; a nagging feeling that what was believed depended on the hearer and now I wonder whether many were silenced by the throwing around of the repressed memory theory; when in fact; they were just deciding to report.
about yourself.... my pc is in my bedroom.
i do, in fact, have a pc in each room connected by a lan, but this is my pc and this is my very comfortable corner where i like to chill out, play mutliplayer games over ther internet, and of course post numerous fluff posts at jwd.
just by me is a window which, until last week, looked out on some beautiful trees.
I could'nt post- now I can!
Hav'nt been on much lately- crappy stuff going on , but good stuff too..
I'm back at Art College painting wrinkley old men (and the odd young man!)and having a ball- got invited to a club by a 19 year old last week..! (no, I did'nt go....)
I'm doing up a barn by the sea and need to know how to get Hammerite off my hands..
Have just picked up my father from the airport with his latest girlfriend- will now start wine to blot out the memories of a car journey from hell.
My computer is in the attic where I sleep.I look out on beautiful countryside, which is great except that i'm within earshot of the local hunt torturing little orange foxes.
Christmas party anyone/i'm in the mood- I have a misspent youth that I am owed and need to take full advantage of all pagan celebrations before it's gone..
Good luck on your exam Angharrad-
Edited by - termite 35 on 12 October 2002 18:40:5
i am sorry for disappearing from the boards the past few days.
i started overtime at work again and have been worn out.
i just wanted to fill you in on tink.
Tinkerbell; sorry, i've only just seen this....How are you feeling?
I visited my friend today who had her gall bladder out last week-she was in SO much pain.
Poor you !
Just thought i'd tell you that she looked great ; only one week on her scars are looking really good and she's a different woman ! She's up and about and even took the dog for a walk today-but has decided she's not well enough for housework for at least a month !!!!!
Hope it all goes well for you
Termite XX
i have never felt more helpless in my life.
my grandma is sick, dying, and there is nothing i can do.
when i look at her, i see this echo of a woman that once was vital, strong and alive.
I'm so sorry Vivamus;i'm thinking of you and hope my future Grandchildren will love me this much...
My Grandmother passed away 2 years ao and was, apparently unable to communicate and slipping in and out of conciousness.Whilst I sat by her bed I would talk to her, and finally, the night before she died I told her that I loved her and she was completely lucid and spoke clearly; with great conviction and replied.
.'I really love you too...' I believe the really sick can always hear us...
All the time we spend with our precious friends and families when they are sick is appreciated and you are doing a GREAT job;your Grandmother must be so glad to have you-
What a staryou are-sending big cyber hugs to you.XXX
okay, mind out of the gutter now!!!
what i was wondering is, does size really matter in a religion.
after all jw's are one of the worlds smaller religions ... 6 million is not large!
Ah...but 'narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off in to life and FEW are the ones finding it...blah, blah'
So the numbers have to officially stay @ 'few'.
I think orders to stop procreating will soon have to be announced, either that or Jehovahs witnesses will have to collectively call themselves 'Few' !!
(That could be an acronym..Fanatical Evangelical W.....s? any suggestions ??!!)
I will not assume that I can drink ,post and spell
Edited by - termite 35 on 12 September 2002 19:21:22
my husband's oldest son just made his dad a grandpa again.
this time a boy.
hubby took off work today and has been over to the hospital to see him twice already, once by himself this morning and then later today he took caitlyn to see her little brother for the first time.
Hi Karen;
you've got a lot to cope with, hav'nt you?
Is'nt it a cruel irony that we sometimes have sadness heaped on us, just when we could do with it a little at a time.Sorry to hear about your first husband, and the way you're feeling at the moment.
I think the advice from everyone else is spot on-PICK UP YOUR BAG- GO AND SEE YOUR BOSS...AND GET DOWN TO THE HOSPITAL...
At least the day can end on a happy note.XXXXX
and my heart is breaking!..we just had it confirmed today.
he has 9 months to live so they say.
among all the heartbreak and pain he is crying and begging me to go to the kingdom hall with him.
(((golden girl))) sending you all my love and positive thoughts...what a dreadful situation to be in- your poor husband, I hope he can get some strength from you ,and that you have enough for him...
Sometimes I forget just how far away from eachother we are; it would be so lovely to offer eachother more help when we need it.
I too have lost my mother and others to cancer- but know of many sucess stories too- in fact I have two friends who have been lucky for 15 years, despite negative prognoses-miracles do happen.
email anytime [email protected]
and remember that we're all here with you,and that someone will be here anytime day or night if you need a shoulder.
I can't begin to tell you how sorry I feel for your husband, and you.I think I would probably go to the KH if someone I loved very much wanted me to; I did a lot of things that my mother wanted me to do regarding her religion etc- it felt like the right thing to do- you'll know whether you can cope with it.
All my love to you both XXXXtermite
i am having a very difficult time and i am here right now because i know in my heart, that when i explain what has just happened to me a few minutes ago, you will understand.
many of you are no doubt going through the same thing.. within several posts here, i have spoken of my mother.
my dear sweet mother, who just turned 78, and who has been a faithful jw since 1959. she abandoned me in 1981, when i decided to leave the borg, and for twelve years she did not speak to me, write to me, call me, or visit me.
Please accept some from me too, Karen. Your conversation with your mother broke my heart-how are you feeling now? Well done for keeping your head and getting out the things you said.It must have been really difficult; but at least your mother has some words to mull over and as she loves you that much-they'll be thought of again and again.
I was going to post a thread about how I was'nt shunned today by a family I was sure would .I suppose even the 'new light ' must be open to interpretation.Perhaps your mother will soften in time,I know it dos'nt sound like it now, but the opinion of others in the congs does count and she may re-think as she speaks about you to others.
I suppose we all just hope that someone loves us so much that they'll break any rule or restriction to be near or with us-and it's as though we're children again when we're rejected.Many witnesses I knew LONGED to speak with Df'd friends and relatives-but felt duty bound not to.
I'm so sorry Karen; I hope something will happen to change her mind.
Hug hug hug hug hug hug hug.